Ms. Walsh is a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at Concordia University. Ms. Walsh is an eager therapist who spends a great deal of time building a comfortable therapeutic relationship with her clients to ensure they can benefit greatly from their time together. She is interested in working collaboratively with patients to improve their anxiety, depression, stress, relationship problems, and sleep difficulties. Ms. Walsh is a firm believer that we all could benefit from mental health services, as many of us experience daily stressors that can become burdensome to cope with. Ms. Walsh’s style is understanding, non-judgmental, flexible, curious, and optimistic. She is currently working as a psychotherapy intern under supervision.

To date, Ms. Walsh has 5 years of clinical and research experience specializing in behavioural sleep medicine where she has worked with young and older adults experiencing sleep difficulties to improve co-morbid symptoms such as anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, and cognitive impairments. Ms. Walsh has gained valuable experience in health psychology where she has applied principles of behavioural sleep medicine to patients with insomnia, cancer, and traumatic brain injuries. She also has experience working with narcissistic personality disorder, health anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder.
To date, Ms. Walsh has used principles from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialetical Behavioural theoretical orientations; however, her specialization is flexible. Ms. Walsh is currently being trained as a scientific practitioner, meaning her therapeutic approach to a client’s individual needs is guided by the best quality of research evidence.
To cope with stress in her everyday life Ms. Walsh enjoys physical activities such as hiking, running, soccer, yoga, as well as meditation, cooking, and knitting.

We look forward to working with you!