Let nothing hold you back
Montreal Psychologists
Let nothing hold you back
Psychological Services in Montreal

Our Vision
We know that individuals can heal themselves by developing self-awareness and learning to make better choices.
Our team of dedicated professionals will help you take charge of your own life by understanding your motivations, increasing your well-being, and choosing a positive path. The ultimate goal is helping you achieve an authentic, passionate, and fulfilling life.
Imagine if you could improve your relationships, accept yourself as you are, overcome fear, express your feelings more constructively, think more positively, set better boundaries, feel at peace, find an ideal career, stop self-sabotaging, be more confident, grieve a loss, or feel optimistic about the future. Our Montreal psychologists can help.
We conduct mindfulness groups with the goal of experiencing life in the present moment, increasing self-compassion, cultivating inner peace, and living more authentically. Mindfulness training will benefit your mental and physical well being.
Our GroundWork training program was designed for Ph.D. candidates who want to explore options, early career psychologists who want to strengthen their skill set, or mid to late career psychologists seeking a collaborative environment with the potential of becoming a supervisor.

Contact Us

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Viktor E. Frankl

Our Founder
Dr. Wendy Wood, Clinical Psychologist
My clients are often surprised how therapy helps. In addition to symptom reduction, therapy can lead to new ways of experiencing oneself and life. I was motivated to create an environment for practitioners to collaborate, grow and support each other in helping people live more fulfilling and satisfying lives. I am proud of our team of distinguished practitioners who are passionate about providing quality therapy.
I’m a licensed clinical psychologist and I have been in private practice since 2005. I am a previous adjunct professor in the Department of Psychology at Concordia University and therapist at the McGill Mental Health Service. We look forward to working with you!
You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.