Mr. Thomas Holmes

Mr. Thomas Holmes
Social Worker, Mindfulness Instructor
Thomas Holmes is a social worker with an MSW from McGill University. He has worked as a social worker for over 20 years, primarily at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute. His work mainly involves adolescents and young adults who experience a variety of psycho-social issues, such as the various transitions experienced by emerging adults with co-occurring mental health issues: psychosis, mania, dissociation, depression, severe anxiety, “personality disorders,” and substance abuse.
Tom uses a mix of techniques from various mindfulness-based intervention methods. With the help of these tools, Tom’s clients can learn to tap into their own attentive self-compassion and their inherent wisdom, in the safety of a trustworthy therapeutic relationship. The goal is to heal emotional wounds while attending to their defences in order to free themselves to lead a much more playful and emotionally satisfying life.
Thomas Holmes is a member of L’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec, permit number HOLT98/11/130TS. He organizes and conducts mindfulness training in group settings.
We look forward to working with you!