

News: Dr. Wendy Wood interviewed by the MTL BLOG regarding mental overwhelm in the time of Covid-19. Story: Overwhelmed By The Never-Ending COVID News? A Montreal Psychologist Offered Tips To Cope |
News: Dr. Wendy Wood interviewed by the Montreal Gazette regarding mental health and the “return to normal.” Story: A return to ‘normal’ mental health will be gradual — and that’s OK: experts |
News: Dr. Wendy Wood will participate in a virtual workshop on September 22, 2020 (6:00PM-8:00PM) featuring award-winning short films, mindfulness activities, and a panel discussion with students and mental health resources. Register now for McGill University presents: Movies for Mental Health (Online). Registration is free and all are welcome! For details and registration, go here. |
News: Dr. Wendy Wood interviewed by CTV News Montreal regarding offer of free therapy to people affected by COVID-19. |
News: Dr. Wendy Wood appeared on CJAD Radio on May 8, 2020 to discuss mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen here. |
News: Dr. Wendy Wood and associates to offer free teletherapy sessions to front-line and other essential workers, and those experiencing financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information, see the COVID-19 Response page. |
News: LIFE UREHEARSED: Understanding Yourself And Your Relationship (with Dr. Hallie Frank) |
Please be in touch if you have a media request.