Mindfulness Groups
Finding Clarity & Peace of Mind
The goal of our meditation group is to learn to live in the present moment and to develop self-compassion. These groups are helpful for people who tend to be hard on themselves, or self-sabotage. Do you feel like things in your life need to be perfect otherwise you feel like a failure? Do you tend to hide past events from close others because you feel ashamed?
Our meditation groups will teach you how to develop a better relationship with yourself, which can lead you to make better choices in your life. You will learn to cultivate friendliness with ourselves and others, following the GRACE model. This model was created by Roshi Joan Halifax. Each letter of the GRACE model stands for the following:
for Grounding, with the sensations of solidity, aliveness, the soothing awareness of the breath and pulse, and spatial awareness. And for Gratitude
for Recalling our intentions: in other words, the 4 aspects of loving kindness: Generosity, compassion, appreciative joy, and balance.
for Attuning to self (our higher compassionate Self and our defensive and pain carrying parts, and how we can overcome our barriers to love), and attuning to others.
for Considering what would be helpful in this moment
for Engaging in friendly, compassionate, joyful, balanced words, gestures and actions. And E for ending in a mindful way
We will practice these together, progressively over 8 weeks, with individual practice instructions between sessions
8 sessions
Tuesdays from September 20th, 2022 7PM to 8:30PM This session will run remote for the fall of 2021 due to COVID Instructor: THOMAS HOLMES
Cost: $600
If you have any questions, or would like to register please email woodpsychology@gmail.com
8 sessions
Tuesdays from January 19th, 2022 to March 9th, 2022 7PM to 8:30PM This session will run remote for the fall of 2021 due to COVID Instructor: THOMAS HOLMES
Cost: $600
If you have any questions, or would like to register please email woodpsychology@gmail.com
8 sessions
Thursdays from January 21st, 2022 to March 11th, 2022 7PM to 8:30PM This session will run remote for the fall of 2021 due to COVID Instructor: THOMAS HOLMES
Cost: $600
If you have any questions, or would like to register please email woodpsychology@gmail.com
8 sessions
Cost: $600
If you have any questions, or would like to register please email woodpsychology@gmail.com